If you want to learn more about the Olympus XZ-2 iHS, check out the new Olympus page. OctoNow that the camera hunt is over, there will be no more updates to this page. The Olympus XZ-2 iHS is a great camera, but I don't feel it's worth $599. Olympus has ended the sale period for this camera and the camera is currently selling for $599.

I still use the Olympus XZ-2 iHS when I need to take low light video.ĭecemOlympus XZ-2 iHS is no longer selling for $299. The ultimate goal of putting together this page is to find the highest quality video in a point and shoot camera in the $300 - $400 price range.įebruMy primary camera is the iPhone XS Max. If your confused with all the choices, consider only the cameras in the "Excellent Cameras" category, in my opinion, they are the best of the best. Many highend cameras already have this feature, But since YouTube and TVs don't support it yet, there's no need to consider it.
Olympus xz 2 flickr 1080p#
This could be be the last camera I buy that will be using the HD 1080p standards, in a few years it will be all about 4K - the latest hot video standard. Why is low light importaint? Many rides are in low light condiditons. The lower the Aperture, the better ability the camera to take pictures in low light conditions. Here's a tip, you should look for cameras that has a good Sensor Size and Aperture.

I'll provide links to other more detailed technical reviews. This site is focus on unbias look of different camera types. Look you don't need to know anything about Aperture, Shutter Speed and Sensor Size, to understand this page. Let's make sure that we have the right one when "I walk down the middle of Main Street USA." Remember: The best photo you take is the one when the camera is in your hand. I want to get the perfect compact system camera to capture the memories. Before we head out, I want to research the perfect video camera to take on our the trip. As an avid Disney park fan, I plan to take a lot of high quality videos on this trip. In early 2015, we are planning a trip to Walt Disney World.